Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight: Off-Grid Power Systems

September 12th, 2024

Member Spotlight by Off-Grid Power Systems

Provide us with a brief summary of your business’ services

We provide sophisticated power generation equipment and off-grid power for you and your customers. Our services include:

  • Engineering
  • Consulting
  • Construction
  • Installation
  • Retail sales
  • Wholesale sales and support to dealers and installers
  • Power systems technical training for OEMs, installers, and end users

Tell us about your company’s mission and values

Our mission is to empower others to work, play, and live anywhere without having to plug in to the grid.

What are the services you use the most (or are looking forward to using) from the Columbus Chamber?

Networking, introductions, improving operational efficiencies

How do you stay engaged with trends that you see in your industry?

Trade magazines, professional YouTube videos, OEM communications, OEM websites, distributor-provided product information, competitor offerings, and networking with companies similar to ours.

What is your company culture like?

We are always honest with each other and hold each other accountable. I tell my employees it’s alright to politely challenge me and other employees if they think something isn’t right. I encourage people to check their egos at the door. Nelson Mandella said “I never lose. I either win or I learn.” That’s what I try to install at OGPS. We might go over budget or make a costly mistake. But so long as we learn from it it’s not a loss.

What does it take to be a successful employee at your company?

Curious, open-minded, trustworthy, willing and eager to learn, tolerate ambiguity well

What makes Columbus such a great place to do business?

The cost of living is relatively low. People tend to be more educated and open-minded. We have a great transportation and logistics infrastructure. We have ready access to a talented labor pool.

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