Invest in professional development.

Are you looking for ways to invest in the professional development of yourself or your associates? In 2019, the Columbus Chamber launched Elevate Cbus, designed to elevate business professionals. By promoting professional growth through a six-month series of programming, participants will master the business communication skills necessary to elevate themselves throughout their professional career.
Registration Criteria
- Up to two participants per business.
- Rolling registration process on a first-come-first-serve basis with a maximum of 40 participants. Once we exceed that limit, you will be put on a waitlist.
- One series per month for six consecutive months.
- Each series will focus on a topic relating to best practices when communicating in a business-to-business setting.
- Group will be facilitated by Andrew Kingery, White Stone Consulting, with additional guest speakers that are experts in their respective fields.
Member Pricing
$950 $900 early-bird/registration
Non-Member Pricing
The eleventh class of Elevate Cbus will launch on July 15, 2025. The series will take place in person and all class sessions will meet monthly from 9AM-1PM. Kick-off will be from 4-6PM and Graduation will be from 9AM-1PM.
Session 11 Programming
July 15th – Kick-off for Class 11 – 4-6PM
- Session 1 | July 22: So You Want to Lead: Complete Lumina Spark assessment. Discussing the value of leaders who deeply understand patterns in human behavior. Creating a deeper understanding of self and learning new perspectives on how others perceive you.
- Session 2 | August 19: Engaging Others in Your Journey and Staying on Track: Discussing the power of mentors and feedback in growing as leaders. Working on a practical game plan to seek mentors and discovering new techniques to give and receiving feedback for higher growth.
- Session 3 | September 16: Building Your Relationships: Using a science-based approach to observe behavior patterns in other people to build rapport and influence.
- Session 4 | October 14: Manage Process, Lead People – All leaders manage, but not all managers lead. This is your year for strong personal growth as a leader and a manager – make it a great one! Does your leadership align with your top values? Can you explain confidently how value is created? Are you asking for feedback each week? (e.g., what could I have done better this week?) Do you make your people feel valuable? How will you improve the way you run meetings?
- Session 5 | November 11: The Road to Elevation – Building an innovative mindset. Getting closer to the customer. Creating better ideation. Making a model for value creation. Building next steps.
- Session 6 | Graduation | December 9 | 4-7PM: Make it Last – Sharing your learning journey through Elevate CBUS. You will inspire others with the changes you’ve achieved and be inspired by what others have done. Share how you’ve changed as a leader in the last 6 months. Gain inspiration from the stories shared by others. Strengthen your beliefs about who you can become as a leader.
*All speakers and curriculum are subject to change from session to session. If you are interested in participating or have someone on your team that you would like to register, please email elevatecbus@columbus.org. You may also contact Mallory Roth at 614-221-1321.