Member News

THE 2024 INTENTIONAL LEADER ACADEMY | Renogize Professional Coaching

October 24th, 2023

Elevate your leadership, with our Academy!

Eight-month hybrid learning experience. Months 1, 3, 5 and 7 will be in-person learning.

Monthly virtual individual coaching sessions to reinforce and apply new concepts (8 sessions).

Existing leaders that are ready to be promoted in the next two years, including: managers, senior managers, directors and senior directors.

The maximum cohort is 25 participants.

The open enrollment ILA is $7,500 per participant.  If you are a Chamber Member you will receive $1,000 off.  If your company sends three or more participants, you will receive a 15% discount!!! 

Key Takeaways:

  • Self-awareness of current leadership potential
  • Lead effectively in current work environment
  • Tools to lead with inclusive exellence
  • Communication methods to influence & generate buy-in
  • Productive conflict management skills
  • Leading by coaching
  • A personal business plan for leadership success
  • Navigate multiple generational leadership

A unique feature of the Intentional Leader Academy is that each participant will be part of a team action-learning project. The teams and projects are described the first residency day and are completed throughout the entire program.

During the final residency day, each team will make a formal presentation of their project to the rest of the cohort.

Learn more here:

The Intentional Leader Academy Brochure