Member Spotlight
Member Spotlight: Holistic Pregnancy and Wellness
May 12th, 2022
Member Spotlight by Holistic Pregnancy and Wellness

Provide us with a brief summary of your business’ services
Holistic Pregnancy and Wellness Services aims to significantly reduce the rate of maternal / fetal deaths in minority communities. In the United States, there are about 700 women who die during childbirth or within the year after due to conditions such as a pulmonary embolism, high blood pressure, weakened heart muscle, etc. Among these women, the rates are significantly higher for African American Women and Women of Color. Our company plans to provide proper education on the diseases and that are prominent to Black Women, African American Women, and Women of Color. We will provide access to resources to reduce the mortality rate in minority communities. In addition to our wellness services, we plan to address and offer resources to help prevent and treat postpartum depression (PPD). Each year 1 in 7 women suffer from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression goes beyond the typical “baby blues” and in worse cases, can lead to neglect or harm of the child. By identifying and addressing signs of PPD, we hope to significantly reduce or eliminate these occurrences.
Tell us about your company’s mission and values

Our mission is to create a culturally competent world where Moms no longer die from preventable health conditions because of racial disparities.
What are the services you use the most (or are looking forward to using) from the Columbus Chamber?
Networking, resources.
How do you stay engaged with trends that you see in your industry?
Organizational newsletter, internet searches, networking, social media.
What is your company culture like?
We are Black woman owned company that embraces the culture of family and building a village of support.

What does it take to be a successful employee at your company?
One who shares a passion for our mission and the moms we serve and who embraces the family culture.
What makes Columbus such a great place to do business?
The amazing networking opportunities and the vast list of resources..
Social Media:
Facebook: Pregnancy and Wellness Services