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In-Person | CRLC | Supply Chain Evolution

August 15 @ 7:30 am 5:00 pm

The Columbus Region Logistics Council (CRLC), an initiative of the Columbus Chamber, is all about industry collaboration.

Supply Chain Evolution | Innovate and Accelerate: Shaping the Supply Chain Future

Join us for an insightful event focused on exploring the innovative changes that are accelerating the future of the supply chain landscape in Central Ohio! These engaging discussions, will examine the current state of the supply chain in all aspects, including its projected evolution over the next few years, while delving into the profound effects these changes will have on both the local community and businesses.

During the event, we will feature keynote presentations and breakout sessions from esteemed experts, industry leaders, and community representatives who will share their insights and experiences. They will provide a comprehensive overview of the current supply chain landscape in Central Ohio, discuss emerging trends, and offer predictions on its future trajectory.


  • 7:30 a – 8:00 a – Breakfast, Registration & Networking
  • 8:00 a – 8:50 a – Welcome & Opening Keynote Presentation
  • 9:00 a – 9:50 a – Breakout Session A
  • 10:00 a – 10:50 a – Breakout Session B
  • 11:00 a – 12:00 p – Lunch, Networking & Vendor Visits
  • 12:10 p – 1:00 p – Breakout Session C
  • 1:10 p – 2:00 p – Breakout Session D
  • 2:10 p – 3:00 p – Closing Keynote Presentation
  • 3:30 – 5:00 p – Off-Site Networking Social

*NOTE: 10 minute break between breakouts for room changes and vendor visits


1191 Sunbury Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43219 United States
+ Google Map

Breakout Sessions A

Gather with attendees from various industries and enjoy roundtable discussion on any topic of interest. Room with have an SME to moderate the discussions. Great networking opportunity!

LinkUS is Central Ohio’s comprehensive transit plan helps address our growth, brings more COTA service to the community and creates expanded opportunities for all.

Central Ohio is one of the fastest growing regions in the country and is on track to increase by nearly 1 million people over the next 25 years. That means we are expected to have 3.15 million residents in Central Ohio by 2050. Since 2010, regional population has increased by 250,000 with 70% of growth in Franklin County.
Growth is already here and it is accelerating.

More COTA Service means more opportunity for families for, jobs, healthcare, education and more
the Average Franklin County household spends more than $12,700 a year on transportation. Areas like Minneapolis that have invested more on transit, bike, and sidewalks have lower costs than our region

This presentation will challenge supply chain professionals to reconsider their perspectives on generative AI, moving beyond basic applications to crafting customized AI assistants that supercharge productivity. We’ll explore the “jagged frontier” of generative AI in supply chain management, emphasizing how to lead AI rather than be led by it, and the importance of a trust-but-verify approach to AI output. The talk will introduce advanced concepts such as fine-tuning, RAG, and the pursuit of AI ecosystems, illustrating how these technologies can be leveraged to create powerful, interactive tools tailored to specific supply chain needs.

Have you ever seen a LinkedIn profile with a comical amount of acronyms after the person’s name? John Doe, ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQR, STU… LOL! It begs the question: Which certifications are actually worth pursuing? Join this session as we unpack different supply chain and logistics credentials offered and compare them based on target audience, rigor, curriculum depth/breadth, and ROI. Participants will also gain actionable tips for getting a certification request approved and reimbursed by their company.

We will be covering our current thoughts on the “supply chain” real estate market, discuss the Columbus area in particular, and give our thoughts on where we are headed over the next 1-2 years from a real estate perspective, among other topics. Each panelist has a unique perspective, that will prove to be valuable for a wide ranging audience.

Breakout Sessions B

Gather with attendees from various industries and enjoy roundtable discussion on any topic of interest. Room with have an SME to moderate the discussions. Great networking opportunity!

Learn about market volatility and the tools available to mitigate unforeseen changes in fuel prices.

Unleashing the Power of Generative AI: Navigating the Future of Labor is a concise yet insightful talk that demystifies generative AI for a diverse audience.

Come and explore the transformation of AI from simple tools to systems capable of learning and creating like humans.

Discover how robotics and AI training will reshape the labor market, automating routine tasks and driving efficiency in every sector. Learn about new roles in AI oversight, robotics maintenance, and data analysis, crucial for navigating this technological shift. Envision a future where advanced robots and AI systems work alongside humans, creating dynamic, innovative workplaces.

Learn more about Franklin University partnerships and tuition discounts to advance and retain associates. Franklin provides low to no cost options for partnership students to obtain associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees in Business, Operations and Supply Chain Management, and other popular degree programs. Current Franklin partners include FedEx and UPS. All programs are available online and are flexible for the working professional.

Wondering how to get your supply chain AI-ready? Join us to learn how a strong ERP system and mature business processes can ready your supply chain for AI integration. Let’s dive into potential impacts and how to prepare by gaining practical strategies and real-world examples to optimize efficiency and decision-making across your operations.

Breakout Sessions C

Gather with attendees from various industries and enjoy roundtable discussion on any topic of interest. Room with have an SME to moderate the discussions. Great networking opportunity!

Learn more about Ohio’s rail infrastructure and the opportunities and challenges facing the freight railroads, including new federal grants and legislative threats.

All businesses which sell via ecommerce wrestle with logistics costs because of how expensive small shipments are. There are technology tools used by many large shippers which give them an advantage but most of these solutions are relatively inexpensive or pay for themselves quickly so there is no reason not to invest. This presentation will discuss the benefit of tools such as network optimization, warehouse layout and computer aided box selection. There will also be numerous real world examples of how shippers have used these tools for cost advantage.

Breakout Sessions D

Gather with attendees from various industries and enjoy roundtable discussion on any topic of interest. Room with have an SME to moderate the discussions. Great networking opportunity!

Presentation will be an overview of BNSF’s intermodal network and what we do as a rail carrier position ourselves to grow into the future when it comes to domestic and international intermodal service. We will dive into what innovation will mean for productivity in our hubs, how AI and computer learning is increasing turn times in facilities, and what the future looks like at new state of the art facilities that are coming in the next few years. We will also discuss security concerns and then touch on how sustainable rail is compared to other methods of transportation.

Learn about how the supply of essential, front-line workers has changed in recent years for the Columbus market and around the country. You’ll also learn what’s most important to these workers, so you can better attract and retain these associates who are critical for the success of your company.

In this presentation, we will explore the impacts that labor shortages and high turnover rates are having on the manufacturing & distribution industry, uncovering the hidden costs associated with finding, hiring, and retaining employees. Additionally, we will provide insights into how the staffing industry is supporting companies navigate these challenges. We’ll discuss how companies can leverage staffing agencies to build an agile workforce capable of adapting to fluctuating demands. Finally, we’ll share innovative strategies and best practices that empower companies to enhance retention rates, optimize workforce efficiency, and mitigate the disruptions caused by labor turnover.

Some product will always come back.  How a company plans for it, and what they do with that product, is retail’s next big growth opportunity.  Join us as we overview best practices in reverse logistics, the opportunities behind recommerce, and how your company might join retail’s next ‘trillion dollar opportunity’.


Member Registration: $100
Non-Member Registration: $175
Member Exhibitor Table: $300 (includes two tickets)
Non-Member Exhibitor Table: $450 (includes two tickets)

Are you a Chamber member? Look up your company here!

Registration fees are considered non-refundable. This is a ticketless event. An electronic reminder will be sent with full details prior to the event.

Questions? events@columbus.org

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