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Combatting COVID-19 Return to Work Resources

A collection of services to help prepare
for a safe return to work environment.

Columbus Chamber Member Services

Do you have a service you are offering to other members to help prepare them for a safe return to work environment? Please let us know so that we can share your services on your behalf. If you have a resource or service that you would like us to add to this list, please reach out to your designated Member Resource Specialist with that information. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Saftey Supplies & Signage

  • ARCACOUSTICS has sanitary acoustic workstation barriers available. Fits on desks, tables or countertops. Email
  • Artina Promotional Products has created a COVID-19 Pop-Up Store with products to help keep your employees safe at work. Artina also offers phone sanitizer, antibacterial pens, BIC antimicrobial products, employee wellness banners, promotional pens, and direct mail promotions.
  • Atchley Graphics has a number of reopening resources available for purchase with FREE shipping within 1 business day of order. Products include free-standing sign stands, floor and wall decals, branded backdrops for virtual calls, portable sanitizing units, branded acrylic dividers and much more. Learn more here.
  • The Basement Doctor – With more than three decades of experience, the Basement Doctor has the expertise to disinfect your commercial business thoroughly. Additionally, we use effective products approved and registered by EPA to combat the COVID-19 (Human Coronavirus), bacteria, and a variety of other pathogens and viruses. Learn more about the correct disinfecting protocol to open your business here.
  • Greater Columbus Convention Center is now a PPE Resource Center. With every PPE purchase, the GCCC will create a social media post and share it on their social media platforms. See here for more information and here for an example.
  • Dancor Solutions Inc. has pre-packaged PPE kits available for purchase. For more information, please contact Ben Schwarzwalder with Dancor
  • Dancor and Dupler Office have created the “Path 2 New Normal” where businesses can go to get communication materials and services, products, space readiness, and support for all return to work needs. All levels of support are available from quick generic needs to custom strategic rollouts.
  • Demarrt is your source for PPE: When it comes to PPE, we’ve (literally) got you covered. Our network of trusted supply chain partners enables us to get you what you need – even in large quantities. Call us to learn more. Call (614) 633-9288.
  • Eclipse Corp is offering bulk ordering of cotton masks in both stock colors and custom printing. Contact Brian Short for orders and pricing,
  • Face Masks for Us from Can’t Stop Columbus – To defeat COVID-19 everyone must wear masks, follow social distancing guidelines, and practice healthy sanitization and cleaning practices. Homemade masks can help protect all of us. Our mission is to provide relevant information about the importance of wearing masks and provide trusted resources to create your own.
  • Fortner, Inc. keeping your team members and your customers safe with booth dividers, face masks, desk dividers, and more.
  • LeaderPromos has created the Returning to Work Safely booklet and flipbook. In addition, PPE is available, including reusable-washable 4 layer cotton face masks, antibacterial alcohol wipes, and hand sanitizer. Contact Kaylie Kowatch today to order at 614-944-4116 or
  • LOTH has multiple resources regarding blending your WFH and RTW teams, and have work tools available to enhance the wellbeing of your space.  Learn more here!
  • MCR Medical has a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) store. MCR Medical is committed to helping our front-line safety forces in their fight against Covid-19. We are constantly adding new PPE products to our catalog to help our health care workers and emergency personnel protect themselves and prevent the spread.
  • Millcraft now offers PPE and return to work products for business, schools and organizations, as well as specialized products for restaurants.  To inquire and speak with a PPE specialist,
  • Minuteman Press Dublin gives back with free COVID-19 awareness posters and a program providing free local business listings. Visit our site to promote your business and learn more about this special offer.
  • Minuteman Press Dublin offers custom-printed face masks. Learn more here.
  • Office City Express can help you with office signage and safety materials
  • TENFOLD – WELLCOME by TENFOLD® is a branded toolkit of signage and accessories to help you welcome your team back to your space and drive new behaviors for a healthy and safe workplace.

Cleaning Services

  • Continental Office can assist with mandatory requirements like frequent disinfection of workspaces and common areas, as well as the recommended requirements like reconfiguring workstations for 6 feet or more of physical distance. Continental Office also created a resource guide, Return to Work: How COVID-19 Changed the Workplace.
  • Demarrt has the cleaning technology to Prevent Spread of COVID-19. We have the most cost-effective and advanced cleaning technology options available to keep your staff and clients safe while minimizing the amount of time your doors are closed and operations are halted. Learn more here or give us a call. Call (614) 633-9288.
  • JAN-PRO Cleaning is offering services to help you prepare your facility to re-open and limit the spread of illness.
  • 4 Points Development is offering a fogging/spraying service to help combat COVID-19. Using VitalOxide, an EPA registered and FDA approved hospital disinfectant, we spray or fog your entire office, building, or home interior to sanitize, kill mold, and remove odor. Fogging and spraying improves upon conventional cleaning methods by coating entire surfaces and settling into spaces that might otherwise be missed! Schedule at
  • MPW – For essential businesses seeking training on industrial cleaning and contamination, MPW offers training on Epidemic or Pandemic Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Procedure with a specific focus on COVID-19 response. Audited and approved by a certified industrial hygienist (CIH) to properly protect its employees and other workers, MPW’s Training Department works with your team to develop a custom program for your facility and crew.
  • S-E-A Limited and their surface testing capabilities: Providing Peace of Mind and Helping to Ensure the Customer Confidence and Loyalty You’ve Always Had.
  • RES-Q Cleaning Solutions is selling All Surface Cleaner in concentrate or ready to use. Safe for business or home use, non-toxic, and non-fuming and can be purchased as singles or in bulk. Bulk orders need to call 740-964-9494. Please visit Website at

Employee Wellness

  • Arlington Urgent Care is offering Employer Education sessions to assist employers in getting back to work safely.  Sessions are customizable based on the client’s need but can include:  How to screen employees for COVID, how to protect staff and customers, equipment needs and what to do with an employee who screens positive. These are on-site sessions and are $270 per session 2-hour session. The testing of employees for COVID 19 is also available for an additional cost per employee. Interested parties can contact Molly Fulton at
  • Mount Carmel Employer Health Services is providing COVID-19 Employee and Workplace Readiness services. Bringing employees back to work and restarting your business may be disconcerting and even a bit overwhelming. As you and your team transition back to work, Mount Carmel Employer Services has a host of services and a measured approach to ensure your workplace is safe for your employees and customers. For more information, contact Stephen Dunn at or 614-546-3376.

For Accurate Business Return to Work COVID-19 Information

Loan Resources