Chamber News
Chamber Connections March 2025 | March Madness
March 20th, 2025
Growing up in a basketball household, I learned to appreciate the intricacies of this fast-paced sport, while sitting on the couch in front of the TV with my Dad. Sundays were devoted to the Celtics and their sneakers squeaking across the floor of the Boston Garden; while the cold nights following Christmas belonged to watching OSU take on nemesis Bobby Knight. Most Friday evenings found him, with me in tow, heading to a local high school gym to watch the clash of cross county rivals.
The choreography and the lightning-fast movement of those 10 players gliding across the court fascinated me. Each play offering the opportunity to put points on the board, or to at least keep the competition from scoring.
My Dad is gone, but the lessons I learned watching basketball with him have stayed with me for decades. I can now reflect on what I learned sitting next to him, transfixed by the ballet- like battle unfolding before me.
You will miss some of the shots you take Whether on a fast break, layup, or from the free throw line, not every shot drops through the hoop. In fact, the NBA combined average for free throws is 78.7%; ranging from 89.6% for shooting guards to 59.1% for power forwards. But a missed shot does not stop the game! In fact, the play continues, as both teams try to keep the ball in their possession.
Your role on the court can change quickly From tip off to the final buzzer, you will be moving from offense to defense countless times. Those changes in possession of the ball can be predictable; or, out of nowhere your opponent can steal it from you and head to the other end of the court. Be quick to respond and rely on your teammates to help you move back in the direction of your goal.
Rebounding is key to getting back on track Being a good rebounder gives you more opportunities to score. You can even turn your mistake (missed shot) into an easy bucket, because you stayed close to the goal, and were poised to try again. Remember, if your teammate is in a better position to score, find them on the floor and pass to them.
Get help from the Bench You have your “A “Team, the starting five on the floor; but, running full on for 4 quarters is a lot for even the most gifted athletes. The success of the team depends on the abilities of a skilled bench who can step in when a starter is tired, in foul trouble, or a different expertise is needed. Make sure your support team is trained and conditioned to step in.

To quote fictional Hoosiers Coach Norman Dale (as played by the late great Gene Hackman): “I’ve seen you guys can shoot but there’s more to the game than shooting. There’s fundamentals and defense”.

Kelly Fuller
Senior Vice President of The Columbus Chamber Foundation