Ohio State Capital

Columbus Chamber Political Action Committee

Together, we shape a brighter future!

The Columbus Chamber, your trusted champion, connector, and change maker since 1884, leads the way in advocating for a thriving business environment. Our Political Action Committee (PAC) empowers businesses to join forces and ensure their voices are heard on critical policy and regulatory issues impacting economic vitality. Together, we shape a brighter future for our region.

What is the Columbus Chamber PAC?

The Columbus Chamber PAC was organized to better fulfill the Chamber’s mission of creating a more business friendly environment in the Columbus region. The PAC can be funded by contributions from individuals, corporate donations, and PAC to PAC transfers.

What is Chamber PAC?

The Columbus Chamber PAC is a bipartisan political action committee that makes direct contributions to state and local officeholders who promote an agenda of private sector job creation. Investing in the PAC provides an avenue for like-minded employers who work hard to run a successful business to pool their resources to have a greater impact on policy and regulatory outcomes.

Why is it Important?

Government leaders at the state, county, and local levels make decisions impacting businesses and influencing the economic vitality of our community every day. It is vital for companies to support candidates that understand the impact of their decisions on the region’s businesses and families. Each year, initiatives and referendums are placed on the ballot and many of those initiatives affect the way in which businesses either succeed or operate.

Columbus Chamber PAC has made it a priority to help support state and local candidates who truly understand the need to support job growth and economic development. Acting alone it is extremely difficult for an individual business to make a political impact. Columbus Chamber PAC offers the business community organized political action to support candidates who advocate policies that ensure the economic certainty and stability for businesses interested in job creation.

Why Contribute to Columbus Chamber PAC?

The Columbus Chamber PAC studies races, looks at candidates’ past voting records and interviews candidates. We support candidates who not only say they want to move the region forward, but act to make it happen. By contributing to our PAC you will be working with our 2,400 member businesses to elect candidates who support business friendly, job creating policies.

Our PAC provides a unique opportunity for the entire business community to work together to create a pro-jobs majority throughout the Columbus region, a crucial step toward our region’s economic success.