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Featured Members

A Focus on Transformational Members of the Columbus Chamber

At the Columbus Chamber, we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve Columbus Region businesses.

Proud to recognize the continued support of our Leadership Circle featured members and Investor Partners. Additionally, we are pleased to feature a weekly Member Spotlight on the Columbus Chamber News Blog that highlights both new and long-standing members, sharing each business’ story.

  • Member Spotlight: EasyIT

    Member Spotlight by [EasyIT] Provide us with a brief summary of your business’ services EasyIT provides Fully Managed and Co-Managed IT Services. EasyIT helps business owners sleep better at night […]

  • Member Spotlight: Zilla Display

    Member Spotlight by [Zilla Display] Provide us with a brief summary of your business’ services Zilla specializes in delivering comprehensive branding solutions for businesses aiming to enhance their presence at […]

  • Member Spotlight: TechR2

    Member Spotlight by [TechR2] Provide us with a brief summary of your business’ services TechR2 is a leader in the field of End of Life Data Solutions. With an unwavering […]