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Consumer Data Marketing Platform Takes on Loss of Third Party Cookies | Futurety

May 10th, 2024

HUCKLE 2.0 gathers more than 300 opt-in data points from 260 million Americans to build precise personas and deliver ultra effective marketing

COLUMBUS, OH – Futurety, LLC, a data analytics and marketing technology company has announced a significant update to its consumer identity platform, HUCKLE. This update empowers businesses to leverage first-party data to build highly targeted campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, and Mailchimp. WynHouse, a Toledo-based software development organization, partnered with HUCKLE to bring this update to life.

“This update empowers businesses to unlock the value of their customer data,” said Senior Data Engineer, Jonah Dolin at HUCKLE. “By transforming first-party data into powerful customer personas within minutes, companies can create hyper-personalized campaigns that resonate deeply with their ideal audiences.”

“HUCKLE provides more than 300 data points on customers, including demographics like age, gender, income, home ownership, hobbies and interests. The updated version includes new data points including media usage, occupation, language spoken and DEI related metrics” Marketing Manager Sarah Fitch said.

“Upgraded plans reveal customers’ passions across categories such as Home, Auto, Health & Beauty, Fashion, Outdoor, Art, Travel & Culture, Family & Food and Money. This allows businesses to personalize campaigns further by understanding what truly motivates their customers,” she added.

Other additions in this release include the ability to create highly targeted ads and emails based on customer insights, ensuring increased engagement and conversions, Fitch said.

Additionally, HUCKLE future-proofs marketing strategies by eliminating reliance on third-party cookies. This ensures compliance with evolving privacy regulations while maintaining effectiveness. This approach builds consumer trust and safeguards against disruptions.

“This year Google began eliminating third party cookies in Chrome, disrupting the online advertising industry and forcing advertisers large and small to develop first party data strategies. HUCKLE fills that need,” Fitch said.

“The HUCKLE update promises businesses increased ROI through targeted campaigns, maximizing marketing spend and achieving higher conversion rates. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize their marketing efforts efficiently and effectively,” she added.

Fitch explained that HUCKLE prioritizes data security. Customer data is never used to train the model and is completely anonymized upon upload. Additionally, HUCKLE is updated over 90 million updates daily.


HUCKLE is a cutting-edge first-party data marketing software developed by Futurety, a leading marketing and data analytics agency headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. Leveraging advanced technology and innovative strategies, HUCKLE empowers businesses to harness the full potential of their first-party data, enabling them to better understand their customers and drive impactful marketing campaigns. With its user-friendly interface and powerful analytical capabilities, HUCKLE is revolutionizing the way businesses approach data-driven marketing.

For more information, visit the HUCKLE website.